La Mancha

School is Cool

Publisher Van In is the largest educational publisher in Belgium and pioneer when it comes to adaptive exercise and the use of technology to support teachers. Van In develops innovating materials with attention for quality and usability for children, adolescents and adults. Fully aimed to support students and teachers to book maximum learning outcomes. Video’s are used in various stages of the learning process: preparation, implementation and the evaluation phase.

La Mancha works for various of the Van In publishings such as: Op verkenning - Soundscape - Tuin van Heden - Karakter – Reken Maar! – Ik lees met Hup en Aap - Cadans

For Centrum voor Taal en Onderwijs - KU Leuven. La Mancha produced various video's as part of a language screening programme.

KU Leuven, Uitgeverij Van In
  • Joris Prikken
  • Rebecca Cocquyt
  • Lennert Van Dessel
  • Dierdre Timp